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Moringa Immune Boosting / Anti-aging

Moringa Immune Boosting / Anti-aging

By SIYAH ORGANICS Sun, Mar 21, 21
Moringa is known to many as both the “miracle tree” and the “tree of life”. Why? Because it’s rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds! This plant has been used as a traditional remedy in phytomedicine and ayurvedic healing medicine for thousands of years.

Moringa is known for being nutritionally packed with vitamins and for being an immune system booster. Moringa offers a good source of iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and riboflavin and has notable amounts of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium. Moringa is also a strong natural antibiotic and antibacterial that can work to heal liver problems and the digestive system. That means Moringa can contribute to having better vision, stronger immunity, lasting bone health, and skin radiance!

Additionally, powders made from its crushed leaves are full of protein (3 grams of protein per tablespoon) containing all the essential amino acids, necessary for muscle repair, energy production, and mood regulation. Adding this superfood to make your protein shakes is both delicious and beneficial!

Used as a soap, Moringa helps boost and repair the collagen in skin creating more elasticity and working to prevent/heal skin from harsh aging. Moringa oil helps fight anti-inflammatory effects on skin and strengthens hair follicles that prevent breakages leaving your hair stronger and shiny.