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Collection: Hair Essentials

Using natural hair essentials products is an excellent way to promote healthy hair growth and keep your locks looking beautiful and vibrant. Natural ingredients are well-known for their nourishing and strengthening properties. They work to repair damaged hair, restore moisture to dry locks, and help to prevent breakage and split ends.
9 products
  • Hibiscus (Bissap) Supplement
    WEIGHT LOSS AID & FIGHTS DIGESTIVE DISEASESHibiscus is a nutrient dense plant widel...
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  • Tigernut Beauty Oil
    NOURISHING & HAIR SHINEHydrate, heal, renew and protect your skin, hair and nails w...
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  • Touloucouna Beauty Oil
    HEALING & SOFTENINGHydrate, heal, renew and protect your skin, hair and nails with ...
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  • Sesame Beauty Oil
    PROTECTING & MOISTURIZINGHydrate, heal, renew and protect your skin, hair and nails...
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  • Okra Beauty Oil
    HEALING & ANTI-INFLAMMATIONHydrate, heal, renew and protect your skin, hair and nai...
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  • Bamboo Supplement
    NATURAL APHRODISIAC & DIGESTION SUPPORTBamboo is a key herb in traditional herbal m...
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  • Bissap Leaves Hair & Skin
    HAIR & SKIN HEALTH SUPPORTBissap is a nutrient dense plant widely consumed in Afric...
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  • Bissap Beauty Oil
    HAIR & SKIN RADIANCEHydrate, heal, renew and protect your skin, hair and nails with...
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  • Shampoo Bar Soap
    ANTI-DANDRUFF & SHINY HAIRDiscover our natural shampoo, handmade to enhance all hai...
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