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Collection: Tea Bags

Siyah Organics mission statement revolves around “Nature is my Medicine”. We believe in the healing properties that our Mother Nature offers to those who seek it.

10 products
  • Moringa Supplement
    IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER & ANTI-INFLAMMATORYNative to India and Nepal, Moringa Oleifer...
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  • Kinkeliba Supplement
    DIGESTIVE DETOX & SUPPORTIn African traditional medicine, Kinkeliba’s popularity ha...
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  • Bamboo Supplement
    NATURAL APHRODISIAC & DIGESTION SUPPORTBamboo is a key herb in traditional herbal m...
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  • Bissap Supplement
    WEIGHT LOSS AID & FIGHTS DIGESTIVE DISEASESBissap is a nutrient dense plant widely ...
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  • Okra Leaves Supplement
    GUT SUPPORT & ANTI-INFLAMMATORYOriginally used by Egyptians to treat and prevent in...
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  • Ashwagandha Supplement
    COGNITIVE SUPPORT & RESPIRATORY AIDAshwagandha is very revered in Asian & Afric...
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  • Ginger Supplement
    ANTI-INFLAMMATORY & IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTERTraditional medicine has used ginger for t...
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  • Café Touba
    ENERGY BOOSTER & ASTHMA AIDCafé Touba is a coffee beverage but also a popular medic...
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  • Karoo Mint Supplement
    STRESS RELIEF & RESPIRATORY AIDNative from South Africa, Karoo Mint is a popular pl...
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  • Nguer Supplement
    DIGESTIVE & RESPIRATORY SUPPORTWith high reputation as “cure-all” in Africa, Nguer ...
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