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Artemisia-Annua Capsules
Take 3 capsules a day to prevent health issues. Take 3 capsules 3 times a day to cure pre-existing health issues. Always take capsules with food.

Artemisia-Annua Leaf Tea
1 to 3 teas a day / Pour hot water then add one teaspoon of loose leaf tea and let it steep for 3-5 mins before straining it.

Artemisia-Annua Tea Bags
1 to 3 teas a day / Place the bag in hot water, seep into water for 3-5 minutes. Drink 1 cup/day to prevent or 3 cups/day to cure pre-existing health issues.
This bar of soap is unreal! It makes my face feel so soft and clean. LOVE IT!
âZoĂ« Z.
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